animation Tag

I've been seeing some awesome work being done with this new app recently. A lot simpler than After Effects and more specialized in software animations. Can't wait to give this a try!

Heres a couple really useful tutorial videos for After Effects. I found both of these while working on some animation mockups for an iOS app we are working on, and found both of these really helpful. The animated numbers one particularly has a lot of uses of user interface motion design. starts at 3:00 in ... amp = .07; freq = 2.0; decay = 10.0; n = 0; if (numKeys > 0){ n = nearestKey(time).index; if (key(n).time > time){ n--; }} if (n == 0){ t = 0; }else{ t = time - key(n).time; } if (n > 0){ v = velocityAtTime(key(n).time - thisComp.frameDuration/10); value + v*amp*Math.sin(freq*t*2*Math.PI)/Math.exp(decay*t); }else{value} by Harry J. Frank, (Min. Version: After Effects CS3, Category: Useful things, Type: Expressions)...